London and The Met.

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London and The Met.

Post by Who2 »

I live in an ex totally unique police block and am a Londoner. By choice not by birth.
There's a lot of us.
And having reviewed our city's 4 main correctional institutions and the workings of our
metropolitan police force, feel a rant coming on...

Now, we are looking for a new Commissioner of Police to, once again, try sorting out the Met.
Whomever and wherever from they be should be interesting,
it's a tough job dealing with a bunch of tight-lipped masons.

There are good coppers in The Met I'm sure, and 'a pound to a penny they are not 'on the square.
Anyhow going through Bruce's vast collection on crime, I came across this quote from 1990.


Another fascinating read:

Blimey it's now worth £80 quid, Who said ? 'crime doesn't pay.... 8)

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Re: London and The Met.

Post by John Landon »

"They had interviewed hundreds of major criminals and detectives to chart the rise, since the Great Train Robbery, of a new breed of highly organized armed robbers"

And who created the new breed of armed robbers. ?

Answer: The justice system.

When you hand out sentences to the unarmed great train robbers as if they were armed, then naturally the robbers are going to arm themselves. :cg
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by newcastle »

@John Landon

I seem destined to disagree with you on most things nowadays :lol:

Armed robbery for cash is much rarer nowadays simply because there ain’t much cash around to rob. Gone are the days of massive transportation of unmarked notes. Payment of wages in cash is almost unheard of on any scale. Walking into a Post Office or bank waving a gun ( real or not) is unlikely to garner much cash….compared to the 15 year sentence you risk.

High penalties, particularly the death penalty when it was around, probably deterred robbers from carrying guns.

Of course, violent crime has increased generally….often linked to drugs…. but I don’t see any evidence that sentencing , harsh or lenient, has any effect on whether or not weapons are involved.

If anything, I would suggest that it’s the often derisory penalties, whether or not a weapon was involved, which have contributed to the rise in violent crime.

Plus , of course, the erosion of our police forces etc. etc.
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by A-Four »

Having a home in the East End of London, you come across many sorts of characters, from what I understand the Brink's Mat robbery in 1983 certainly out shines any other great previous jobs. The full details, including the bank it was 'owned' to are truly amazing,.......and even today, a TRUE story of the full events and after, have yet to appear.
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by John Landon »

Intriguing AFour. 🤔

Of course, Newcastle is right, these days crimes are down to street level. How much of that is truly drug related is up for debate, but we have been in a war on drugs for a number of decades now. Of course, if you make something illegal such as taking drugs, then you create the crimes.
Personally if drugs were legal, then that's how you put the dealers out if business and the users are less likely to die from contaminated products. . Sell drugs at a drug store and get proper consistent quality and government get their taxes !
There used to be opium dens in London, and cocaine was sold as a pick me up and local anaesthetic in chemists until 1911, when the UK banned it.

I know a few drug dealers, and most of them are too spaced out to be involved in any crime.

London it seems has more than its fair share of violent crime, and though we know the dynamic of those who commit said crimes, we are not allowed to say that anymore and point out the obvious.

The article the good doctor posted and that I quoted from, was of course looking back at those times, when robbing banks and securicorp vans that carried money was rife.

Times have changed. People are better off these days, poverty is relative. Infact what may be considered poor these days would have the middle classes of the sixties spitting thier earl grey tea out if their China mugs if you were to show them how the poor live today in the UK

Anyhow, I must get outside and tidy up my garden, as this storm has blown over one of the wife's plant pots...
All the schools were closed as well today.
FFS ! What a generation of pussies we have today. I remember walking up silver street to school with my wellies and balaclava on through 2 foot of snow !
If the heating was off, well, you just kept your coat on and got in with it. 😎
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by newcastle »

@John Landon

Well….we can agree on one point! The futility of the UK’s current attitude to “illegal” drugs. Control and tax the trade is the way to go….but there’s no sign of the current government going down that path.
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by John Landon »

As is the case. Laws made by the ruling classes to prevent the people doing things they don't want them to do.
Yet they themselves will break these rules because apparently those rules don't apply to them.

They say that the more laws a country has, the more corrupt the rulers are.

Me ? I do what I want and keep my gob shut !
So long as I am not harming anyone I think it's the right thing to do. 😎
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by Teddyboy »

"Laws made by the ruling classes to prevent the people doing things they don't want them to do."

"we know the dynamic of those who commit said crimes"

It strikes me that these two statements cannot really be rationalised. But what do I know, as one who suspects that elected UK governments generally believe that they actually do have our best interests at heart, even if they do sometimes call themselves socialists! Our political system can only ever deliver us the best of a bad job, as far as a governments go. Sadly, there seems to be no other viable alternative which John's "people" would accept!
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by crewmeal »

Armed robbery for cash is much rarer nowadays simply because there ain’t much cash around to rob.
Yes agreed, why? All the banks I know where I live have closed their branches around the UK and you need to go into Birmingham if you need a bank, otherwise I have an excellent post office who deal with all my transactions.

I believe our justice system is so weak. It reminds me of that old chestnut "get away with murder" which many used years ago.
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by A-Four »

Civil law is an ass, - it is mainly used to keep the average Joe and the poor in their place, by the rich who employ barristers to find whatever loop-hole wins their case.
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by Who2 »

'A scourge on these......

I had my 1st joint in 1964. Hash 5 bob or 25p in today's money enough for 2.5 joints a bargain.
Throughout most of my life I have tried most 'hallucinogenic mind altering drugs, some legal and now illegal.

I did stop 'smokin for 17 years when I chased religion...
I grew many happy natural 'smokey comestibles,
have had many many friends that also smoke and write books about smoking.

I did know and still know dealers and growers. A vicar and his wife, I knew grew their own amazing errrr......

"Cannabis has many different names, including more than 1,200 slang terms, and more than 2,300 names for individual strains.

Time Out I'm off to The Eagle to see if Putin has invaded yet.
Obviously not an inviber probably a Rohypnol freak. TBC.......... 8)

'smokin buddies @ Laugharne.
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by Who2 »

Having strolled through my ancient 'dickensian branch-strewn sunny streets to an
empty Waitrose's at 8am this morning,

Deciding upon the discounted pork fillet for dinner wandered back, noticing all the locked parks,
and absence of any film crews.

12am : Pub walk and eagle beer great, by 1pm it was blowing a right old gale.
Big tree in our square blown down, back home, beer, Poirot and prep for Pork Wellington alla moi. .... 8)

Ps: This really should be posted under 'kitchen corner, but 'what the heck !

Pss: Oh!..."Waitrose's' Chilean vibrant Dry White 'highly recommended..and only £4.99p ... lsrc=aw.ds
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by Who2 »

Well the Pork Wellington is ready and on't telly the best ever film regarding
the London Property Market and it's manipulations.
The Chain probably in my top 10 movies, it's London, it's property and it's hilarious and all true.. 8)

Ps: The last in the chain Leo McKern used to drink in our pub..
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Re: London and The Met.

Post by John Landon »

I have books by Howard and Bruce in my collection. 😎

I have enjoyed many wonderful experiences on illegal substances. I have manage to avoid addiction, as I have taken what I needed from those experiences.
I do however enjoy weed on a fairly regular basis, but to get the best out of it, I find it's best to use once a week. It was very useful a while back though when I was having constant nightmares, as it would supress my dreams.
It's an amazing pain killer, it was great when I was suffering from kidney stones. Far more effective and longer lasting than the morphine the hospital would administer. I'm sure I have told that story before on this forum...

I have dabbled with eastern religions, but it's not for me. I was never a fan of the 3 predatory Abrahamic religions either, and even though they were not meant to be taken literally and does indeed hide knowledge, I still believe it's best place is in the philosophy section of the library.
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