TV Adverts.....

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TV Adverts.....

Post by Who2 »

Years ago we had a top young advertising turk onboard, I asked 'if we made the advert how much to show on the telly ?
He said "we could get it sponsored and do a charity deal with the TV station.

The reason I realise this daft point is, most afternoon adverts are about donating monies to charities.
Or adopting a donkey,lion,chimp,blind dog, snow leopard, elephant, the list is endless..

Today's average price to create an advert for TV is about £50k.
The donkey sanctuary a UK registered charity's turnover was £41 million last year alone.

It makes one think eh ?

What really gets my goat is, late evening adverts, it's all about gambling it should all be banned.
'Good causes ? don't make me laugh!

How about smart meters another con ? Punters and mugs..or 'mug-punters... 8)
'end of rant!

Ps:Noun..British slang
'a customer or client who is gullible and easily swindled

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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by crewmeal »

If there is one ad that irritates the s**t out of me it's the one for Click on the BBC news channel, so much so I mute it. Although we don't pay for ads on the BBC they're always promoting their own programmes in a way that's worse than a donkey sanctury ad.

Almost at the end of every programme you get "If you've been affected by anything in this programme then go to www. Even in the news, "Warning there is flash photography ......" To my knowledge flash photography has been around for a century. If you don't like it don't watch it is my answer.
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by newcastle »

.." To my knowledge flash photography has been around for a century. If you don't like it don't watch it is my answer.
There’s a fair number of people, suffering from photosensitive epilepsy, who might have a fit or seizure if suddenly, and unexpectedly, subjected to flashing images. It’s an entirely sensible warning for that element of the TV viewing public.

Likewise warnings of impending scenes including violence, bad language etc. I can see it might seem a bit unnecessary for the more hardened viewer....but what harm does it do.

If you’re irritated by BBC Charity ads or can always follow your own advice and “don‘t watch it”. :P
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by John Landon »

The TV treats people like idiots.. That's why it's referred to as the idiot box when I was a kid.

Even it's inventor said.
We have invented the world's greatest waste of time. Use it well...
The CIA found it very useful..

It has indeed taken on the role of the newspaper taxis John Lennon warned us about.

Anyhow, keep your hands in your pockets. Charity begins at home. Feeling guilty about your privilage while watching these charity adverts. A little sacrifice will sweeten the pill... 😎

Now that's not to say I won't part with my hard earned. The right situation has to present itself to me at the right time.
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by newcastle »

I usually find that when people say “charity begins at home” what they really mean is that they’re not very interested in giving a helping hand to anyone....and would rather keep what they have for themselves.
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by A-Four »

John Landon wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:07 pm Anyhow, keep your hands in your pockets. Charity begins at home. Feeling guilty about your privilage while watching these charity adverts. A little sacrifice will sweeten the pill... 😎

Now that's not to say I won't part with my hard earned. The right situation has to present itself to me at the right time.
Since the past 30 years I have never worked in the U.K., except sometimes as a volunteer for a few months when I have returned there, usually in the summer. The Dr above believes it is scandalous about the annual income of the donkey sanctuary,.........that is nothing, most people would never believe the real truth about the profits that are made each year from so called U.K. charities, who are suppose to spend their money in the U.K.

When you say here John 'charity begins at home' we in Egypt knew this term as you simply will always know who are the poor in your ally, (in other words who you see regularly). It is our duty to help those we know will need our help without having to beg for it, instead of paying to a management agency perhaps charging 90 % in admin costs.
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by newcastle »

It never ceases to amaze me how many “reasons” people can come up with for not being charitable.....apart from the catch-all “charity begins at home”.

The expenses/donations ratio Is a typical target....but ignores the simple fact that people generally need persuading to put their hands in their pockets. The Charity Commissioners keep an eye on such matters, and any charity’s accounts will show how much goes in admin, or how much the CEO garners.

The occasional horror story no doubt justifies the parsimony of some.

The Brits in particular are an odd lot when it comes to animals.....particularly if they’re cuddly. Donkeys in Britain must be amongst the most pampered animals on the planet. The days when they were subject to abuse are long gone. The paddocks of the Donkey Sanctuary are populated by pets no longer wanted. If you want to denigrate charitable’s a soft target.

And yet....another source of amazement to me....when criticising charities for whatever reason, they usually work into their thesis that they, of course, help out the needy ....quietly and without urging. Possibly as a volunteer.

Yeah right.... :urm:
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by John Landon »

newcastle wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:20 pm I usually find that when people say “charity begins at home” what they really mean is that they’re not very interested in giving a helping hand to anyone....and would rather keep what they have for themselves.
These charities are a business and as such will never achieve thier aims. If they did they would have no need to exist anymore...

Many of these ******** pull on your heartstrings or make promises they cannot keep or even scare you.

I'm no mug, I see directors of these charities driving new expensive top of the range European cars and taking home 6 or even 7 figure salaries.

Now let's put this into perspective as I see it..

I am not giving my hard earned to keep people in luxury lifestyles. I do my homework before giving.
Look how long some of these charities have existed and how much money they have taken in each year !!
How much of that has hit it's intended target..?

I do and have done, given to worthy causes,
One gets an instinct for these things.

If I do give, then I like to know it makes a difference and has a positive effect, therefore what I give will be significant to the situation in both the amount I give and the effect it will have.

When I say charity begins at home, then if that goes misunderstood, perhaps don't take that statement so literally. 😎
But in truth, you should never make sacrifices you can't afford.
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by newcastle »

@ John Landon

Thank you for making every one of my points so transparently :lol:
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by crewmeal »

I remember my late sister donating £20 a month to the RSPCA for a few years but then being pestered for more money. She then cancelled her DD. I believe this behaviour is quite common amongst certain charities.
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Re: TV Adverts.....

Post by newcastle »

crewmeal wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:09 am I remember my late sister donating £20 a month to the RSPCA for a few years but then being pestered for more money. She then cancelled her DD. I believe this behaviour is quite common amongst certain charities.
Of course it is.....with just about every charity!

When you sign up you are usually asked whether they can send you bumph etc You can decline....but whether they take any notice is another matter :lol:

But there’s so much unsolicited spam arriving daily through your letter box nowadays, i cant imagine these cause much stress.

It’s usually obvious from the envelope that it contains literature etc for some charity that you can consign it straight to the waste bin if not interested.

I’m beginning to think that some people have an issue with even been asked to give!

Each to their own....but that strikes me as weird.
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