Afghanistan ?

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Afghanistan ?

Post by Who2 »

So here we go again join the Yanks to make money and then f*** up.
For the USA making 'War is Making Money, it's a business for them. Never forget that!

Here is a letter I found today that says a lot:
When, before the first Anglo-Afghan war of 1839, Lord Auckland, the head of the British invading force, asked the Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Sikh ruler of Punjab, to undertake the responsibility of invading Kabul, the maharaja refused; he knew only too well that they were easy to conquer but difficult to rule; that they were a mosaic of competing tribes, which ensured that no strong central authority maintained its power over them for too long. It is a pity that western leaders could not foresee in 2001 what Maharaja Ranjit Singh could in 1839.
Randhir Singh Bains
Gants Hill, London.

People seem to forget the Yanks and us invaded another Country, again!
Forget that they say "We are bringing them a better way of life" or "We are defeating international terrorism"
or "We want to kill Bin Laden, because we stupidly thought we felt safe and secure in the U.S.of A.

An Afghanistanis' point of view: A foreign power invades your Country.
People who work for those invading Armies are normally known as 'collaborators,
and make no-bones were receiving huge wages.
As opposed to all their neighbours scraping a living.

It has happened in most wars, and they were called traitors and treated as such.
War creates bad people and poets.
The 1st and 2nd World Wars were just wars and the just triumphed.

Most wars since, have not been just...'end of rant!..... 8)

Ps: An interesting post script written in 1849 by a British Army Chaplain:
A war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached either to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it. Not one benefit, political or military, was acquired with this war. Our eventual evacuation of the country resembled the retreat of an army defeated”.
G.R. Gleig one of the few survivors.

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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by A-Four »

As a footnote to your written work above, I am sure you will remember in the recent past before the Americans invaded, it was the Russians who tried to force their idea of communism on that poor old country, no one has ever conquered the place, as you rightly point out, but it makes you realise that the suppliers of military hardware have their influence in both the Whitehouse and the Kremlin, and I wonder now which poor country will be forced to accommodate such similar hardware.

I did read a report from CNN last night that most of the embassies there are now boarded up, with the exception of the Russian one, and even more interesting, is the fact that the ambassador has had a rather lengthy conversation with the Afganistan new leader and his senior officials,.........seems to me a case of here we go again, but then again, history always repeats it's self.
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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by John Landon »

How ironic that the Taliban were put into Afghanistan to keep the Russians out.

Then glasnost, which made the Taliban redundant and as such displaced, then 9/11 then invade Afghanistan, then retreat.
Oh and leave all the weapons and loads of military hardware, along with quite literally shed loads of cash. The almighty dollar.

I'll grab my popcorn and await the next phase.
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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by newcastle »

John Landon wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 4:12 pm How ironic that the Taliban were put into Afghanistan to keep the Russians out.

Then glasnost, which made the Taliban redundant and as such displaced, then 9/11 then invade Afghanistan, then retreat.
Not quite.

The Taliban are a largely native Pashtun subset of the resistance to the Russian occupation of Afghanistan and, on the latter’s withdrawal, and after a period of civil war, formed the government of Afghanistan in 1996...with considerable assistance from Pakistan. Prior to this, the country had been in turmoil.....Russian occupation and civil war, with competing warlords, and the USA meddling with the supply of arms to all and sundry. As long as Russia was getting a black eye, America didn’t seem to care much about who eventually triumphed.

The brutality of the Taliban in enforcing a strict form of Sharia, the subjugation of women and their destruction of much of Afghanistan’s heritage outraged the West, but it wasn’t until they refused to hand over Osama Bin Laden that, in a fit of pique, USA - backed by a NATO alliance - invaded and overthrew them.

Unfortunately, their replacement was a government as corrupt as the Taliban were brutal. The role of women might have improved as the country recovered from the previous regime, but much of the international aid went to line the pockets of corrupt politicians and contractors. Little surprise that the Afghan army melted away once the Americans signalled their withdrawal.....their hearts were simply not in fighting - possibly sacrificing their lives - for a government whom they didn’t respect.

What happens now is anyone’s guess. Afghanistan may have a future if the promises of Taliban 2.0 are borne out in reality. The jury is out at the moment.

If they revert to their pre 9/11 form of government, Afghanistan will become a pariah state, to the detriment of the civilian population.....with the prospect of further intervention by the Americans if the likes of Al Qaeda and ISIS are allowed to flourish.
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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by John Landon »

Well much of that was true, but history does change right before our eyes over the years, and the so called "justification" of 9/11 and Bin Laden did it . His links are not Russian by any means.
I was 18 back then, but the story had changed by 2001 / 2002. Also going on back in the late 70's the whole Shar of Iran tabacle going on further west in Iran, so the yanks could buy cheap oil.

Many say Afghanistan has trillions in mineral wealth, again a similar situation to the British invasion of India. Then leaving behind the Kashmir problem...

The last 20 years out there has indeed seen another Dravott and Peachy scenario play out it seems to me. ?

I won't even go into the ISIS and AL Queada origins, but they do seem to be a bit too convenient.
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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by A-Four »

John Landon wrote: Mon Aug 30, 2021 9:24 pm Also going on back in the late 70's the whole Shar of Iran tabacle going on further west in Iran, so the yanks could buy cheap
Interesting what you write there John, because the Brits were doing exactly the same thing. The Shah requested from the U.K. about 1,200 Chieftain tanks, in the end he got only 10% of the original order though he had paid for the lot 'up front'. The U.K. government has started to agree that they should re-pay the debt owed to Iran, being that a similar debt was re-paid by the U.S. under the Obama administration.

The British debt is £400,000,000 ..........I wonder if they will be paying any interest on that amount.
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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by Who2 »

They talk on the radio about the amount of hardware lost and it's cost.
They talk about the billions spent on Afghanistan in the last 20 years.
They doubtfully talk about Biden calling it a success.

Well I repeat, it was a success. A huge success for big business.
It was big business that built, sold, will sell more to the American State.
Hitler and the Nazis created a huge successful country after the 1st War which had left
Germany on its knees and in ruins.

After America finally joined in the 2nd World War and realised just how much big business
could get bigger, that's when America started causing wars all over the World.
There are over 500 business schools in the States.

Charlie Wilson, former CEO of General Motors and member of President Eisenhower’s cabinet, said,
“The business of America is business.”
Fast forward to the present and he might say, ‘The business of America is war.’

I could say more and explain more but wouldn't be understood...'coffee time..... 8)

Ps: A Goodread: ... s_a_Racket

Pss: Oh! and this from my favorite watched film.
"The Salvation of Mankind lies in making everything the responsibility of All"
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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by John Landon »

I'm the same about my opinions on war.
There's much I could say that would cause great offence to many.

I would happily say those things if it would bring about the end of wars, but I know it won't.

Wars will end, and possibly in my lifetime. That's assuming I make it to about 88 years old. 😎

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Having studied that phrase. I don't think it means what many believe it does. 🤔
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Re: Afghanistan ?

Post by newcastle »

You have to laugh at the sour Taliban faces when they discovered that the numerous planes and helicopters littering Kabul airport had been “decommissioned “ by the departing Yanks. :lol:

Surprise, surprise!!

They should be grateful they weren’t booby- trapped.....the sort of thing they’d have done were the roles reversed.
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