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Post by Who2 »

Prolific to say the least...charities,,, just given,,,save that or adopt this..
Charities are the new norm.

So, my mate Johnny Bordon who has a band tastefully entitled "Sheep on Drugs" don't ask!
it's Nick's girlfriend is doing a wing walk for charity, and wants me to promote her..

I said to Nick "your nutty birds' doing a wing walk for charity"
He said "Well so am I, it's for unemployed artists, and 'I quote :
'good mental health in the music industry by providing mental health support both remotely and at venues.end quote.

So wing walking promotes mental health ? They really do need their heads examining, I blame the drugs.
Oh! and I'm donating £20 quid to the pilot to do a loop the loop... 8) ... deLl0NxS4s

Ps: Please give generously ever £1 donated 10% will go toward funeral costs..

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Re: Charities...

Post by HEPZIBAH »

A friend of mine signed up to do a Wing Walk for a charity a few years back. I was invited along to take some photographs for her. It's a good job I was there. It looked a fun flight, but I realised something was wrong when she could barely clamber off the plane once they had landed. I finally got her home, after a few emergency sick bag stops. Once I'd checked she was safely in bed - with a bucket to hand - I handed her over to her elderly mum. My friend ended up being ill for days with motion sickness.
It convinced me, as if I needed convincing, that I would not be volunteering to do a wing walk myself, no matter how worthy the charity.
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