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Post by carrie »

I think it was Crewmeal who mentioned in another post the other day, butter curlers.
Yes I used to have one that my dear Mother bought me.
When I was growing up we used to have a lot of people coming to my home every month. The Prudential Insurance man, the gypsies selling pegs and white heather. My Mum always bought from them because she said they would put a curse on our family if she didn't but the most long lasting was the Betterware catalogue man.
He used to come with his little book and leave it for my Mother to look at, there where the strangest gadgets in there, things I can't ever imagine anyone wanting, needing or using.
Special little brushes to clean the overflow on the bathroom sink. Another to clean the back of radiators. Every month she bought something from him. When I got older and had my own home these delightful little gifts would be passed on to me. The butter curler being one.
I asked her once why she continued to buy this junk that we didn't need.
Why? Because the poor man goes out in all kinds of weather trying to make a living and we should help.
Christmas Boxes were yet another of her ways to help.
It was my job to write the Christmas cards to the window cleaner, the postman, milkman, betterware man, dustman, coalman and paper boy. She knew all their names and would put a little something in with the card to thank them for the service she had received during the year.
The only one who was always missed out was the insurance collector, why I have no idea.
All these people where her friends she knew them all, what a different world now when people often don't know the names of their closest neighbors.

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Re: Betterware.

Post by hatusu »

. "My Mum always bought from them because she said they would put a curse on our family if she didn't "

My mum was exactly the same - she had little to spare but was always afraid not to. One day she was told her fortune - both daughters would end up with good lives living abroad. In those days my mum thought abroad was probably Lancashire ( we lived in Yorkshire, and they both worked In the mills). However my sister went to live in Turkey, then later Saudi and Dubai, and me .............
And like your mum, always small presents at Christmas for the milkman at al ( I don't suppose kids nowadays know what a milkman, coalman, dustman , windowcleaner is)
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Re: Betterware.

Post by Who2 »

I once found a couple of bob outside Rootes a car dealership.
I looked everyday and 7 days later found another couple of bob.
I thought this was great until I worked out it was for their milkman.... 8)
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Re: Betterware.

Post by John Landon »

When I worked in Liverpool I would often find 5 pence pieces and would always pick them up.
Sometimes after finding one, I would receive some unexpected money of a significant amount.

Today as I was zapping my car with the remote, there was a shiny 5 pence piece was there on the road.
I could do with a favourable spin on the wheel of fortune, given the outcome from this last year or so, it's much needed right now. 😎

I remember those days of the door to door salesmen.
These days we have a sign on our door asking them not to call..
This is because my wife works nights sometimes, and also it's guaranteed the door will be knocked 30 seconds after getting into the bath and a headfull of shampoo bubbles.

I was thinking the other day how much times have changed. Mostly for the better. I dont think I would ever want to go back to those days if was at all possible. Although it's nice to reminisce. That's not really the point in life. All about moving forwards and accepting that change is the only constant in the universe. All things happen for a reason.
Qué Sera Sera..
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Re: Betterware.

Post by Who2 »

"That's getting a bit.....

Deep!.... 8)

A travelling Salesman: Knock, knock.
"Who’s there?
"Says who?
"Says me, that’s Who.
"The Salvation of Mankind lies in making everything the responsibility of All"
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