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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by carrie »

If you had bothered to learn a little Arabic, integrated into the local community, instead of trying to buy yourself in, then expecting all to grovel and treat you like the great white chief then you would have been able to do things for yourself instead of depending on others and having to pay commission.
Your opinion of Egyptians is the total opposite of mine, there again I don't go out slashing childrens footballs and setting about others with lumps of 2 X 4 and bragging about it.
I do wish you luck in your move but can't really see anything changing you have to change yourself.

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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Dusak »

Major Thom wrote:I should reiterate my last post, if I give something to someone, I never expect a return, I give from my heart. What I do not like is these gifts or what ever you want to call them thrown back in my face, nor do what people do for me being used in either an arguement, or as a lever for their own benefit or status. I find this sort of thing appalling. I mean this and I hold this view for everyone. I was hurt by this, do not want it, and just makes me real use what myself and wife are doing is both correct and wholly nessacary.
One lesson that I have learned while living here, is that you should give, give, give to your Egyptian friends, because if you lend them anything, you can say goodby to it forever. It took me three ''lends'' before it dawned on me. :lol:
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by newcastle »

Dusak wrote:
Major Thom wrote:I should reiterate my last post, if I give something to someone, I never expect a return, I give from my heart. What I do not like is these gifts or what ever you want to call them thrown back in my face, nor do what people do for me being used in either an arguement, or as a lever for their own benefit or status. I find this sort of thing appalling. I mean this and I hold this view for everyone. I was hurt by this, do not want it, and just makes me real use what myself and wife are doing is both correct and wholly nessacary.

One lesson that I have learned while living here, is that you should give, give, give to your Egyptian friends, because if you lend them anything, you can say goodby to it forever. It took me three ''lends'' before it dawned on me. :lol:
Absolutely Dusak!

The Egyptian mentality is that, if you can afford to lend something, you don't need it and should not be bothered if it's never returned.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Major Thom »

Has anyone heard of McAlmont and Butler?
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by John Landon »

I just nipped In quickly across the ether to wish you a the best .MT.

Remember. Time is wasted looking back. It's why humans have eyes facing forward.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by HEPZIBAH »

John Landon wrote:I just nipped In quickly across the ether ...
by camel or flying carpet?
So it was that Red City. ;) Enjoy. A place I love but couldn't move to, although it would be more comfortable than Luxor - for me!
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Major Thom »

What on earth is happening in Luxor, this time it took 4 weeks for a story to get back to me, not the normal 3 or 4 days, are things actually improving? Being my normal self and listening to others I became aware of certain things, so spun a story, I cannot believe it took 4 weeks to get back, must be a record. I bet the blouse/shirt has been busting, until the buttons/clasps could not hold it in anymore. Ha Ha! :lol:

Thanks John, it's the looking back that is all I have had Over the past months, but now times have changed, forward looking is the words of the day. Just been in touch with airline and booked a few days stopover before final flight, looking forward to a bit of site seeing and sandy beach.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Horus »

Being my normal self and listening to others I became aware of certain things, so spun a story, I cannot believe it took 4 weeks to get back
Good grief MT, you really do lead a sad life :sd it is certainly well past your departure date. :roll:
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Tullock »

Mad Dilys wrote:Is it just me, or does anyone else see a similarity in attitude to life between MT and Donald Trump? 8)

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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Mad Dilys »

Not at all. I could list their similarities and I'm sure if asked, the millions of voters who support Mr Trump would say those similarities are admirable.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Major Thom »

I am nothing like Buttbubble, I comment on reality not dreamers. If I he's or think something s amiss, then I try to get it out or pass on reality to satisfy my own self. People (Many of you will think this applies to me) are strangely committed to what others are doing. It can be easy to weigh people up by their appearances.
Do you know how to weigh people up? Look at ther finger nails, it's a good starter, you can tell if a person is a professional, manual worker, suffers stress, smokes, etc. When a person stands in front of you and crosses their hands, (Many people do this) which ever hand is crossed on top of the other gives you a 98% idea of f they are right or left handed. When talkng to someone observe their eyes, do they look you in the eyes when talking, do they look down, do they evade eye contact, do they blink a lot? When a person shakes hands with you, is it a strong hand shake or a limp biscuit type, tells you the confidence they have, when they shake hands do they look you in the face? Look at the mans face, does he wet or dry shave? Look at a persons ears when they are talking to you, especially the colour. When they sit in your company, are they restless, are their legs moving or their hands or arms continually on the go. When they talk are they expressive or not, are they always trying to put you down by raising their voice in an expressive way? When they talk to you do they sit back in their chair, or lean forward to talk? Is their speech fluent, do they keep trying to change subjects? Their clothes normally tell you if they keep pets. There are s many ways of finding out who a person is without asking them. Just sit back and observe, and of course, read body language tuition. If you understand what to look for you will know I am nothing like DJ Buttbuble, but of course you always get some that know you inside out and have never met you, these are the sumisers, the Chubby Checkers of the world, the balloon inflators, the fence posts, and the Chedder Gorges of this world.
I have always had an interest in human nature, it's inspiring, and fascinating. Trump will maybe alwAys be good in business, wephether or not his employers think much of him is a different story. He has proved he is no statesman, and has little experience in the position he holds. His body language tell you he is forceful and bombastic, but they tens in his voice shows there is a vulnerability there, his arm movements says he want to be adored, they also show he will never make high statesmanship, he's not made of that material, he's a opener without a closer.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by newcastle »

You do share one obvious characteristic with Trump.

You both seem obsessed with yourselves.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Mad Dilys »

I'm afraid Robbie Burns was right. ;)

O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us
An’ foolish notion:
What airs in dress an’ gait wad lea’e us,
And ev’n Devotion!

Good luck in your new adventure.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Horus »

MT, that last essay sounded more like Trump than Trump does ;)
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by carrie »

Bet he spells like that too.
If I didn't know better, realising that MT doesn't seem to read much just gets his info from Sky TV, I would have thought that he had been reading Desmond Morris.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Mad Dilys »

Or watching the TV programme Lie to Me. Which is actually far more revealing and often uses real politicians as examples. :up
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Dusak »

On reading it I just presumed that he was still ****** as a newt celebrating his confirmed departure time and felt the need to finger type. He'd stand no chance on Bullseye. :lol:
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by A-Four »

For the love of the baby Jesus, 14/3 is the birthday of A-Four, for Christ's sake. :wi :wi :wi .
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by Major Thom »

A woman gets raped or sexually assaulted, great lads lets throw a party, we can have music and dancing and anything. Lets get the accused and the family together and we can make threats against the victim, go to the victims house and hassle them until they drop the case, when they do we can throw another party. Yeah!
Oh my god it's happened again! Will the accused get off! The best thing we can do this time lads is go to the first victims house hassle them to make a statement to say the accused is a good man, tell the first victim to think of the accused poor mother, she will have no son to provide for her I the future, if they make another statement and the accused gets off we can have another party, Yeah!!! Dancing music etc.
Oh my God!! The first victim will not do it, now what do we do? The poor mother, the poor family, the poor accused!
I tell you what........ What about the victim, F--- the poor mother, F--- the family, F--- the fact you won't be able to have a party, and F--- you? Unintelligent, S---heads, MCP's, this time you failed, crawl back into your hovels, take your tablets, there's a man somewhere digging a hole in the ground especially for you all.
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Re: 14/03/2017

Post by carrie »

Well if family 1 had continued with the complaint like you said they HAD then there would be no problem today and another poor woman would have been saved.
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