The Blessings of being Unattached

The place for all those subjects that are of interest to women but might embarrass men.

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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by Winged Isis »

Beyond the pale.
Last edited by Winged Isis on Sat Jan 19, 2013 7:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

Carpe diem! :le:
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by Bullet Magnet »

I'm looking forward to the reply though.. If it warrants one in the good Doctor's mind.. :cg
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by HEPZIBAH »

Scottishtourist wrote:Yes Bennu.
But give a woman a pigeon when she's got children to feed...and she'll wring its neck and feed it to them!
Not if she is a wise women.

One of my widowed friends on the East Bank has no children and although her nephews and niece do what they can to help they are not well off themselves. If it were not for the fact that she keeps pigeons and chickens she would not be able to survive. She has more than enough eggs for her own needs so is able to sell the excess to her neighbours, likewise with the feathered friends. Her other little enterprise is like a little tuck shop and you can often see the children on their way home from school calling at 'aunties' to buy some crisps or a sweet. She was given the original stock and although there is not really any significant profit to be made from it there is still a little extra. Instead of taking her [potentially useless] gifts from the UK to her I've sometimes donated some extra stock - that means everything she makes is then pure profit allowing her to buy more herself. So you see, it doesn't solve the problems of the world but it makes a great deal of difference to the individual.
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by Lisak »

Ah but sometimes people can't see beyond the end of their noses...or outside the box.

Really what business is it of any of ours to judge others? This a life that they have chosen, what is it to do with us how they want to spend it?

All we can be is true to ourselves!
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by Bullet Magnet »

And this is why I want MY world back.. :xx

Unity does not come from conformity of silly authoritarian rules made up for the purpose of control...
Unity can only come from granting equality and validity to the infinite diversity of all the individuals.. :cool:
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by Teddyboy »

"Unity can only come from granting equality and validity to the infinite diversity of all the individuals.."

Even Jews, BM? Especially considering the following:

"QUOTE: Jews Out of Israel...
I wish..

Jews out of Egypt into Is' Ra El is what I meant to say... that place near Palestine..."

Why would you want to expel Egyptian Jews from Egypt? And into Israel, when everyone else in the region wants them out of there as well? They don't deserve a home? Anywhere?
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by Bullet Magnet »

Yes TeddyBoy. Given the grief and suffering they are inflicting. ( without knowing why )

in 1947 the Jews themselves wanted out, but we got anahilated trying to do so, so efforts were abandoned.

One often considers ones birthplace as "Home", why wouldn't you 60 years on, as the memories of Eastern Europe fade... ?

P.S. Nice little money making opportunity:
IF you are of the Jewish faith but not living there, enquire at the Embassy in Jerusalem. They will gladly pay you lots of money to relocate to the sunnier climate of Israel.. :be:

The Big 3 religions all seem to meet there..

Anyway, this is Bennu's topic.. Blessings of being unattached. Relationships change because the people in the relationship change. :cool:
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by Bullet Magnet »

Individuals is the Key word that I meant to express Teddyboy.. Not Sheep. :cg
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by HEPZIBAH »

Bullet Magnet wrote: Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:56 pm Bugger !@! :xx

I saw the topic and thought you had come back Home :br

Then I saw the date of this topic.. Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:46 am :(

I wish people on this forum would stop pretending to be Jesus, resurrecting these topics. :cg
:a21: Here we are again. Another December 1st, only the year is now 2021.

Bullet Magnet is not himself anymore ;) John Landon does a good impression though.

Bennu, by means of today hitting Like on one of my posts in this thread, has resurrected this topic. :a59: I've found it interesting reading back through some of the posts (I may yet read them all) and seeing what we were doing back then. In 2012 I was enjoying the Blessings of being Unattached. I am still doing so in 2021 (although I may also be becoming more unhinged too ;-) ).
I can't help but wonder how life has panned out for others that took part in this thread. Wherever they are, I hope life has been kind to them.
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by John Landon »

Ah yes, my last post the day I got back from my last trip to Luxor back in December 2012. Sadly I didn't catch up with Bennu that time. On the last day I knew that was going to be my last visit there. Though we did go to the Sinai and Hurgharda. Thankfully the visit to Hurgharda was only for a week. The Sinai was a good trip.

Sometimes I need a nudge to move on, and I think I was becoming a bit institutionalised regarding visiting Luxor. It still holds many fond memories and it was nice spending time with the so called dead out there.

Who knows ? I may come back when the time is right, but these days I'm actually enjoying this bloody pandemic. It's given me a lot of time to reflect and take stock and make some changes.

One thing I have learned is that the best of times are not the best, the best is yet to come.

Oh, and think twice. Always think twice. 😎

Anyhow, I hope everyone is well and in the right place. 👍
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Re: The Blessings of being Unattached

Post by BENNU »

John Landon wrote: Wed Dec 01, 2021 9:36 pmI hope everyone is well and in the right place. 👍
I have had fun clicking “similar topics” at the bottoms of the pages of a forum where we used to be very active. Some topics that are discussed these days direct the surfer to different times of crisis and uncertainty in a country where I have felt welcome since 2005. I am not sure how I landed on this topic, it was from before the like function was introduced, so I am guilty of resurrecting when liking an inspiring post from Hepzibah.

Last year, I went to Denmark for Christmas with the family, leaving behind among other delicate things my finest perfumes and good coffee in Luxor for exactly one month, I thought. This year, new restrictions would have made it almost impossible to return to Denmark where I had commitments and was awaiting important dates that had already been postponed, so I gave up going back to Egypt in January.

Having lost Egyptair miles that I was ready to use on a round trip to Egypt last month, I am still in Copenhagen, waiting. I am at home but homesick, accepting that this will be a tough, cold and lonely winter.

I can hear them shovelling snow now, if only I could resurrect the two pairs of comfortable boots that I buried in the springtime. They were fine but had in theory survived for too many years, as I have chosen my winters to be very short. Who would have thought that you needed warm boots in December? I miss them now, but not as much as I miss Egypt.
:a55: :a44: :a11:
Oh, to wake up in Aswan, Cairo, my own bed in Luxor …
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