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Post by carrie »

Donald Trump has come out and approved Boris Johnson's attempt to become the next PM. Is this a poisoned chalice. Will anyone take any notice?

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Re: Boris

Post by newcastle »

Whilst Trump’s endorsement is not surprising, I imagine Boris could do without it! :lol:

Apart from the fact that it’s inappropriate for foreign heads of state to make such comments, Trump’s popularity here is hardly conducive to Boris’s chances
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Re: Boris

Post by Horus »

Not everyone dislikes Trump, many admire his tough stance, my guess is Boris will be the next PM, what fun that will be. :a50:
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Re: Boris

Post by newcastle »

I wonder how the blue-rinsed, tweed-wearing, shire-dwelling, geriatric Tory electorate will view Boris.....and the front runner has seldom come out top in previous contests.

Boris will be hoping that Trump’s endorsement pans out better than it did for Julian Assange :lol:
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Re: Boris

Post by Horus »

Probably in the same way that the unkempt, scruffily dressed, town living, young snowflake Labour electorate view Jeremy, but who really cares?
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Re: Boris

Post by John Landon »

Hopefully Horus and newcastles comments will be irrelevant beacuse if a general election is called for, then Labour and Conservative will not be in the running given the spanking they got in the recent election we just had.

now no one lected May into office, they voted for Cameron, and IF boris gets to head up the Conservatives, that will be the second unelected PM to take office in this term.

I doubt they will call for a general election though given what I have just said, they dare not risk it.

Problem for this lot is Where to go from here... ? These idiots cant run a **** up in a brewery and that has now become too blatatly obvious to the masses, and I think many people are now waking up to that fact.

the next 6 months are going to be interesting to say the least...

in the meantime, here is Jonathan Pie on Trump and his UK visit..

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Re: Boris

Post by Horus »

Lets be honest Jonathan Pie is well past his sell by date, he used to be funny but now all his fake rants are the same regardless of whoever he is roasting.
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Re: Boris

Post by John Landon »

True, Horus, Eveything gets old eventually.... Except Monty Python... 8)

I find it crazy when comedians tell more truth and make more sense than the politico and the not unrelated news does.
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Re: Boris

Post by Major Thom »

I doubt it will effect anyone living outside the EU because many of the benefits are either stopped or frozen. We in Cyprus have already been contacted to say our benefits while living here being an EU resident will not change be it a deal or no deal Brexit. I have met Boris in adifferent capacity to him being an MP and he is very much different to the public personna. Very astute and very well educated in many areas. A personna that is shown in public affairs may be a good thing to get the public behind him. I think its a matter of wait and see. His bumbling personna certainly changed after he became leader yesterday. When speaking he came across being direct, to the point and with clarity. The main thing is he will hopefully get what the people voted for and is not frightened of a no deal Brexit.
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Re: Boris

Post by Major Thom »

Re the first sentance of my last post, I should have added, Unless you have an address in the UK that falsly entitles you to an unfrozen state pension or any benefit.... But I have said that many times due to believing it to be true.
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Re: Boris

Post by A-Four »

I don't really do politics and religion, but saying that,........

Some may remember when David Cameron became Prime Minister, he went out of his way to inform us of his commitment to equal rights for women. A life long member of White's (Gentlemen's) Club, suddenly entered the place from the back door, or should I say the tradesmans entrance. From the day he resigned saw his return to the usual entrance.

The thing about David Cameron, Jeremy Hunt, Boris Johnson and that slimy toad George (check out his real name) Osbourne, is that while undergraduates at university they were all members of the Bullingham Club. Their main entertainment was to go around to pubs and restaurants, make a huge fuss, then go about smashing up the places. One such incident occurred at a restaurant where the comedian Dawn French and her then husband, Lenny Henry were enjoying a meal, when unkind comments were made to the pair, by a certain member of the said club.

Both Cameron and Osbourne denied they were ever members of this club, they suddenly the 'street of shame', got hold of a photo that proved they were, check it out, note the blonde haired charactor, who became known as Boris the Bully at that time. Cameron and Hunt, quickly left those days well and truly behind them. 'Not me guv, I only passed the bottles on' Osbourne went on to Edit the London Evening Standard, where at every opportunity for the past three years, he slagged of Theresa May, simply because she sacked him.

By now, any one interested in what I have posted about Boris Johnson will have been 'Googling', and you should be able to find a few hidden statements of this dear character. Today he is known in the corridors of Whitehall as Boris the Animal, I shall leave it to your own imagination to work out why.
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Re: Boris

Post by Major Thom »

An appreciated pist A4, time will tell, we cannot judge the man and his policies after 4 days because none of us are politicians! Ha Ha...
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Re: Boris

Post by newcastle »

Major Thom wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2019 8:38 pm An appreciated pist A4........,
You’re probably right. :lol:
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Re: Boris

Post by Major Thom »

SORRY....POST, THATS BETTER. I dont hink you can judge a perso or his personal life when you do not see them often. Fortunately both myself and wife know A4, and would never comment that way. During our time in Luxor we met up a few times and had some excellent, stimulating conversations on both Luxor and general items. Never once did myself or A4 get into spiteful conversations about others.
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Re: Boris

Post by A-Four »

A-Four wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:58 pm Today he is known in the corridors of Whitehall as Boris the Animal, I shall leave it to your own imagination to work out why.
Sometimes I wonder how the press get their hands on the antics of what happens on the grubby side of Whitehall.

They have not even asked what type of animal he is,...........yet.
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Re: Boris

Post by John Landon »

I will spell it out. Media and government are the same entity....

Now you know why you pay a TV licence and why official newspapers have to be licenced.

The TV licence is payed so you think the BBC are impartial.
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Re: Boris

Post by A-Four »

A-Four wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:58 pm By now, any one interested in what I have posted about Boris Johnson will have been 'Googling', and you should be able to find a few hidden statements of this dear character. Today he is known in the corridors of Whitehall as Boris the Animal, I shall leave it to your own imagination to work out why.
A couple of months have now gone by, and the world and his wife have a good idea about this man, and what sort of animal he was and that was bad enough, but today we see another side of Boris the animal,........the future looks bright, they say.

This week saw the publication of David Cameron's book 'For the Record', this was not supposed to happen until the start of this years Conservative conference, when it was assumed Brexit had been sorted out. I don't know why but Cameron reminds me of Neville Chamberlain holding that piece of paper, at least he had the goodness to drop dead within a year.

We also have the slimy toad Osbourne, still editor of the Standard and kicking out even more bile at his old Bullingdon chum, than he ever did to Theresa May,.......and that really is saying something.

I am sure all three will have been in White's on Friday evening. (Peter Mandelson always called himself 'the third man' when in government). Today we have 'the fourth man' who has given the place a miss in recent months. This man, when angry has a sort of manic look on his face, his eyes glaze over, and even colleagues are said to tremble in their skins, the moment he opens his mouth.

The Tory conference this year will be wonderful, not so much of what is said but more to do with who sits where and their expressions. Watch out for where 'the fourth man' positions himself for he certainly has a great future. You should have guessed by now the fourth member of the old Bullingham Club. Yes Jerremy Hunt will certainly be a right, know what, when he gets the keys to No 10.
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Re: Boris

Post by newcastle »

Boris seems to have more in common with Trump than just hair :lol:

He must be gutted that the Conservative Conference is being sidetracked by his frolicking with Ms Arcuri. Financially lucrative contracts in exchange for sex?? perish the thought. :lol:

Per the Sun ....who, inevitably, can’t resist the “Bonking Boris” tag line :

The Prime Minister, 55, has been plagued by allegations he improperly provided benefits to Ms Arcuri's businesses when he was in City Hall.

She is at the centre of a growing row over £11,500 in public cash granted to her companies by an organisation headed by Johnson at the time.

And Arcuri was also given privileged access to three foreign trade missions in one year - despite her tech firm not meeting the eligibility criteria.

Initial decisions to turn her down for two of the trips were overturned after intervention by Johnson and his close team.


The PM has also been accused of helping her get a further £100,000 in Government grants and sponsorship for her companies.

Johnson was bound by the Greater London Authority's code of conduct to "declare any private interests" relating to his "public duties". ... al-affair/

If he’s as good as obfuscating as The Donald, he’ll be alright. It’s just a witch hunt by remoaners after all :lol:
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Re: Boris

Post by A-Four »

A-Four wrote: Wed Jul 24, 2019 7:58 pm I don't really do politics and religion, but saying that,........

By now, any one interested in what I have posted about Boris Johnson will have been 'Googling', and you should be able to find a few hidden statements of this dear character. Today he is known in the corridors of Whitehall as Boris the Animal, I shall leave it to your own imagination to work out why.
It seems that nothing has changed when dear old Boris was (as I wrote above) the bully of the Bullingham Club, still thinking he can do exactly what he likes, when he likes and how he likes. The only way he will leave No 10 is when some one kicks his arse out of the door, which I'm sure he will remember happened once at Uni.

There is one old member of that club still standing in the wings of the corridors at Westminster,......I wonder.
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Re: Boris

Post by newcastle »

Latest news…9a.m. UK time….

Boris has agreed to step down …but act as caretaker until autumn .

The sheer effrontery of the man :xx

He should just p*ss off now. Nobody trusts him. He’s a disgrace to the office of PM.
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