Years ago I worked as a salvage diver for Eurosalve owned buy Jimmy Rowlands.
who also lived in a Martello Tower and owner of The Rock Shop in Ramsgate.
We did loads of jobs all over Great Britain even salving a 3 masted schooner down in St Kathrine Docks.
In my opinion it would have been easier and a lot quicker to blow air bags into it's hull and lift it,
thats' what we often did.
Also salvage is salvers rights, we once found a Chris-Craft worth thousands whilst working up in the Hebrides for Occidental building Flotta oil terminal...
We flogged for it £25k...'happy days'....

Ps: My mate 'big-nose the rock star was a R.N. Diver leading seaman in the Falklands got the medals..
even giving Prince (randy Andy) orders...'he oft reminds me!
But, any pubs in Ramsgate with ship bells, wheels, portholes ect would have swapped by us lot.