Coming home

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Coming home

Post by John Landon »

Finally, after a 12 year absence, we are due to come back to Luxor in January.

Usual package holiday mularky staying at the Jolie Ville for one week. It will be nice to come back and see just how much the place has changed since we were last there in December 2012.

I will get my visa when I land and pay in USD, and will bring enough Egyptian cash to get me through the first day, then change my English cash at the banks, as I assume this will be the best way to do things ? unless anyone can offer any better advice on these matters.

We will be doing another balloon ride, as that is something Alison wants to do, and I am hoping to get to the Seti 1 temple and Habou again. We will be dining out each night, though I expect we will have to find new places to do that ?
We used to frequent MAxime's, and various venues in "Little Britain"

This last few months has not been the best of times, but like life always has been and always will be, it has its ups and its downs. It will I hope be great to be back, and I hope this visit opens the door to our usual 2 to 3 times a year visits we used to enjoy in the coming months and years.

Now I am semi retired, I am looking to see the winters out in more sunnier climates, so will be exploring that avenue while in Luxor and see what deals I can get. My work life is now all working from home, so a steady internet connection is all I need for that. ( and a table in a shady spot under a palm tree and a cup of coffee )

Alison retired for good last December, and since I am now being denied my state pension for a further 2 years, I decided there was more to life than working full time and dropped my hours to 3 days a week. Monday, Tuesday and Friday, which is much better than that 5 day slog I used to endure, plus its like having 2 fridays each week 8)
I am then going down to 2 days a week later next year.

So All being well, I look forward to landing in Luxor and taking in that wonderful smell that greets you as you step off the plane. Diesel fumes and palm trees, a strange mix :up

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Re: Coming home

Post by crewmeal »

The very best of luck to you both. If you haven’t booked your flight have a look at TUI, they now fly direct to Luxor every Thursday from Manchester and Gatwick. Prices around £230 plus the usual extras on top.

I recommend Thebes restaurant on the West Bank for an excellent meal. Very reasonable prices.

The Corniche is a thriving business with plenty of shops and cafes along with a few cruise boats to view.
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Re: Coming home

Post by Gordon292 »

Very pleased to see you are going back to Luxor after being away for 12 years Have to admit I am also jealous at the same time. You mention you will be taking enough egp to get through the first days. There are not many places in the UK to obtain egp and when you do find some where you will most probably pay through the nose so to speak. So why not do as I have done for as long as I can remember and change UK currency into egp at the small bank at the same time as you get your visa .You mention you will be dining out a lot of your time in Luxor so I do not know if you can go on Tripadvisor Luxor forum but there is a canny guy by the name of eLaReF who gives out excellent recommendations for places to eat. crewmeal mentions the fact that TUI are now flying direct to Luxor starting this month and the prices compared to EgyptAir are fantastic. If it was not for the fact that I am waiting for a referral to a hospital which treated me 10 years ago I would have booked a flight. So enjoy the solitude at the Jolie Ville and I hope you have a wonderful time in Luxor.
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Re: Coming home

Post by John Landon »

Looking around I notice we are looking at 62 LE to one UK pound, and the Visa cost is 25 USD per person.
I see that he visa's now only last 30 days ? I am sure they were 3 months back in 2012 !

I will get my Visa at the airport and change some UK pounds there at the same time.

We have a taxi driver which we have used before, so will probably use him again rather than mess about with the transers provided by the holiday comapany, as I know fine well we will be last to be dropped off given the location of the Jolie Ville.

We are just doing B&B, as we seldom get up in time for breakfast anyway and always choose to dine out during the day and evening. West bank or East bank is fine with us, though I usually spend my days on the West bank anyway, while her indoors likes to chill out in the hotel grounds most of the time.

So now we play the waiting game...... 63 days and counting down.
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Re: Coming home

Post by Gordon292 »

You are right about the visa now only being valid for 30 days. When I was last there 2019/20 I noticed a lot of changes none of them for the better. For many years now I have obtained a sim card at Vodaphone on TV Street and I noticed the assistant not only took a copy of the main part of my passport but also took a copy of the visa page. Another change which I was not happy about was the fact that on arriving at the currency exchange bureau I found out that you now need to show your passport. I just do not trust cash machines for fear of the card being gobbled up and the palaver of trying to get it back. So I always made sure I had a copy of my passport on me with the main page and the visa page.
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Re: Coming home

Post by A-Four »

Just got back from the old place will write up a few, shall we say, need to know details during the coming week, there are a few surprises.
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Re: Coming home

Post by Teddyboy »

Having not been there since a brief visit in March, I wait with bated breath!
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Re: Coming home

Post by BENNU »

A-Four wrote: Sat Nov 23, 2024 7:37 am Just got back from the old place will write up a few, shall we say, need to know details during the coming week, there are a few surprises.
The other day, I had two wonderful surprises! Almost simultaneously, Mr and Mrs John Landon and I had purchased tickets to Luxor, arriving on the very same date in January. Later that night, on my annual trip to Ramla, good old A-Four surprised me!
It was so good to see you :a32:
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Re: Coming home

Post by FABlux »

We are due back Dec 30th & I believe visas have recently gone up to 40USD. Hopefully we will meet up in January Bennu.
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Re: Coming home

Post by Windygale2 »

When did visa go up to 40 us dollars? We returned from luxor 3 weeks ago still 25usd dollars then was some talk of increase while we were there has that now happened? Thanks
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Re: Coming home

Post by Chris »

On 7 November it was still $25
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Re: Coming home

Post by BENNU »

Yes, it is $25!
Some agents say that the price is now $40, but it is their price!
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Re: Coming home

Post by John Landon »

All being well, we should be touching down on the hallowed ground this time tomorrow. 8)

Going to change about 100 UK pounds at the airport bank when we get our very costly and now short lived Visa's to see us through the first couple of days. :up The rest I will change in the Luxor town banks.

We are not fully inclusive, so will need to find somewhere local to eat on the East Bank by the time we are unpacked Thursday evening.
Are there any esatblishments left in Little Britain ? We always used to enjoy Jewel of the Nile when Laura had the place.
But anyhwere local will do, not too far given its out first night, and we are both 12 years older than we were last time we were there. Dont the tears just fly by ?
Then we can explore our dining options on both East and West bank during the week.

How much should one be paying for a taxi into Luxor town from the Movenpick now, in LE please ?

Will take it easy on Friday, as its Holy Day anyway, potter around the Jolli Ville grounds etc, and make a few arrangements for the week. make arrangements to catch up with old friends, and another ballon trip is on the cards. :br

It will be interesting to see how much has changed in the last 12 years, but certainly looking forward to returning, if this trip goes well, we will be coming back for more than just a week next time, I have accrued rather a lot of holidays this year that need to be taken before the end of March..

Anyone need anything picking up from Duty Free ? I will be happy to oblige.

I will check back this evening, after that We will be in transit and no internet until we get to the hotel.

TTFN.. 8)
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Re: Coming home

Post by John Landon »

Surprisingly quick through Manchester airport.
Present my boarding card at a terminal, put suitcase on scales, print out a tag for said suitcase, attach that and drop it on a conveyor. All done and dusted within 5 mins of entering the airport.
Security less than 5 mins as well.
Now just waiting around in the passenger area.
Manchester Airport revamp seems to make the place much more efficient.
Smoking area upstairs 😎
It's all really relaxed here.
I have not needed to show my passport once yet. Reason being I guess is because the details were logged with the travel agent, and they printed off my boarding pass.

Should with any luck be on the plane in and hour.

My son was in Hurgharda a few months ago and came back with about 1600 LE, so I bought that from him. That will see me through until Saturday when I can get to the bank.

Issues though with the taxi, as they need your flight number and passenger details in advance, so no chance of grabbing a cab at the airport, so looks like I will have to use the transfer bus. It's guaranteed the Jollie Ville will be the last stop..
Ah well.. 😎
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Re: Coming home

Post by A-Four »

Sorry John, did not see this yesterday, I think you will find that most banks are closed on Saturday also, but open Sunday. Hope you both have a wonderful time away from our dark miserable weather here.
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Re: Coming home

Post by Gordon292 »

So far all good news with regards your experience at Manchester airport. You mention you bought about 1600 le off your son well that wont go far as it is only roughly 26GBP so I would still get some change at the small bank where you go for your visa just to be on the safe side. With regards a taxi if you are canny at bartering you should be able to get a taxi at a fair price and be able to get to the hotel a lot quicker than using the company bus. I hope you manage to find some where to eat and I think Snobs and the Lantern are still open. With regards the Jewel of the Nile I believe that is still open and managed by Laura's Egyptian husband. But most important of all I hope you have a wonderful holiday in Luxor with no problems.
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Re: Coming home

Post by Chris »

Only just seen your post. In Little Britain street you will find that Snobs and Lantern are still open. In addition there are three new ones in Little Britain Street - Aisha, Jewel of the Nile and Loqma.

Not sure about taxi fare from Joliville but I usually pay 100le for short local trips in the city (and that is probably too much)
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Re: Coming home

Post by John Landon »

Thank you Chris. I will probably be using that information tonight.

I got the money sorted out at the airport. I got 62LE to the UK pound. Enough to easily see is through to Monday.

TUI were giving you visas if you stood in a queue, but charging over the odds, so I got mine from the bank at the 25 dollar rate.

As I predicted. We were the last to be dropped off, but that in itself wasn't so bad as I got to see the town from the Hilton right the way up to here at the Jolli Ville.

I think we have Dr Hassans old room, I guess he must have shuffled of his mortal coil during my 12 year absence. In all honesty it was a surprise to still see him still above ground each time we visited.
I would help wheel him to the poolside, and if his wheelchair ran over a 10 bob bit, he would complain.. bless.

Finally, Mrs Alison has found a suitable room, it usually takes 3 or 4 attempts to get the right one.
So I have literally just sat down outside with a coffee and a ciggie, enjoying a panoramic view of the stars and planets. Venus in the west, through to Jupiter, through to Orion and Sirus and Mars following close behind in the eastern sky.

That's the problem with Welsh Wales, mountains and moors obstruct a full view of the cosmos.

Loving that familiar smell of the Luxor air, the one remember on my first ever visit. Makes you feel right at home.

The plane had about 40 empty seats, so I moved into an empty row and had a wonderful flight. The whole experience was great today, like the planets all aligned in my favour. Never had such a hassle free and enjoyable traveling experience in my life.

Just about to sort out where to eat now. Minor conflict with the Missus, she's not in the best of health these days, the last year has been a really bad one for us, as it seems it has for many people.
One ray of light was the birth of our gand daughter on the summer solstice. Also the same day my wife's troubles all began. I was in the middle of mine. But, I'm not one to complain. Much.. 😎
Such is life...
Easy day tomorrow. Soak up some rays, and plan the distribution of all the goodies we bring over for various charities and a couple of families.

Will get out and about on Saturday.

Good to be back. 👍
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Re: Coming home

Post by BENNU »

John Landon wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:06 am TUI were giving you visas if you stood in a queue, but charging over the odds, so I got mine from the bank at the 25 dollar rate.
This afternoon, the official price in Hurghada was $30 or €30.
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Re: Coming home

Post by John Landon »

BENNU wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 7:53 pm
This afternoon, the official price in Hurghada was $30 or €30.
They are not doing themselves any favours.
People know what the visa fee should be before travelling. I checked

No wonder Turkey is grabbing a huge number of tourists. They dropped thier visa fee straight after covid, and there's lots of great diving and seaside activities there, plus lots of interesting and fun tours and days out.
The exchange rate is very favourable too.

Hurgharda has nothing to offer other than the sea.
An unsightly town and a desert.

Lots of Chinese here at the Jolie Ville, a coach load arrived just as we were going down town to eat.

How is your trip going ? Will you be in Luxor soon ? X
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