Usual package holiday mularky staying at the Jolie Ville for one week. It will be nice to come back and see just how much the place has changed since we were last there in December 2012.
I will get my visa when I land and pay in USD, and will bring enough Egyptian cash to get me through the first day, then change my English cash at the banks, as I assume this will be the best way to do things ? unless anyone can offer any better advice on these matters.
We will be doing another balloon ride, as that is something Alison wants to do, and I am hoping to get to the Seti 1 temple and Habou again. We will be dining out each night, though I expect we will have to find new places to do that ?
We used to frequent MAxime's, and various venues in "Little Britain"
This last few months has not been the best of times, but like life always has been and always will be, it has its ups and its downs. It will I hope be great to be back, and I hope this visit opens the door to our usual 2 to 3 times a year visits we used to enjoy in the coming months and years.
Now I am semi retired, I am looking to see the winters out in more sunnier climates, so will be exploring that avenue while in Luxor and see what deals I can get. My work life is now all working from home, so a steady internet connection is all I need for that. ( and a table in a shady spot under a palm tree and a cup of coffee )
Alison retired for good last December, and since I am now being denied my state pension for a further 2 years, I decided there was more to life than working full time and dropped my hours to 3 days a week. Monday, Tuesday and Friday, which is much better than that 5 day slog I used to endure, plus its like having 2 fridays each week

I am then going down to 2 days a week later next year.
So All being well, I look forward to landing in Luxor and taking in that wonderful smell that greets you as you step off the plane. Diesel fumes and palm trees, a strange mix